Sunday, February 22, 2009


We spent some time with the Conway Robinsons (for those who don't know, both of Leah's sisters married men with the last name Robinson, so there are the Conway Robinsons and the Chicago Robinsons) last weekend. Here are few pictures of the kids. There's one nephew missing- he was very upset that his parents were gone when he woke up from his nap, so instead of being social, he sat in their bed in the dark until they came home (around 3 hours later!).

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2 Brains are Better than 1

OK, so we haven't done quite as well as we had hoped keeping up with our blog, but we're going to stick with it. Somone brought to our attention that there's never anything about Yerik and me on the blog, so we'll try to do better with that. That being said, this week's update includes something about two of us...Ellis and Leah are both star pupils. Ellis got his report card a few weeks ago and he had an A in math and all "S" (for satisfactory) in behavior! He even received the high honor of having his name on the Math Board at school- check it out!

Ellis isn't the only brain in the family- Leah is doing quite well in her first Graduate class. She received an A on her first big project, and is well on her way to an A in the course. Ellis has been such a big help keeping Leah on task- if she's watching TV when she's supposed to be reading, Ellis is always quick to remind her that it's study time!